Winery Backsberg Family Wines
The winery Backsberg Family Wines has been in existence for over 100 years and was founded by Charles Luis Back, who came to South Africa as a poor, illiterate refugee from Lithuania. He acquired the winery in 1916 and passed it on to his child Sydney, followed by Michael and his son Simon. Today, the winery is located on Main Road in Franschhoek.
Winemaking at Backsberg Family Wines combines ancient tradition with modern technology. In the cellar, great importance is placed on the gentle processing of the grapes and on sustainable wine cultivation. Backsberg Family Wines was also the first winery in South Africa to produce carbon-neutral wine. Michael Back said, "Environmental protection means caring for future generations." This corporate philosophy leads to Backsberg Family Wines producing wines of the highest quality, which are appreciated by wine lovers around the world.
1916 -
Main Road, R45, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa -
Max & Moritz Favorite wine:
Backsberg Family Wines Premium Cabernet Sauvignon -
Tasting Room:
Wednesday - Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m
Winemaker: Alicia Calculator
Alicia graduated from the University of Stellenbosch Wine School in 1997. After working as a flying winemaker in Europe and Australia for four years, Alicia joined Backsberg Family Wines Estate Cellars in 2002 to begin winemaking. She finds that every harvest is something special and describes herself as a "technical winemaker." Her style is simple and logical.
Backsberg Family Wines' philosophy in winemaking is to provide enjoyment in every single wine. The focus is on soil health and gentle grape handling to preserve the specific fruit character of each variety.
Product Details

Tasting notes
The Backsberg Family Wines Hillside Sauvignon Blanc is a white wine produced by the South African winery Backsberg Family Wines. Sauvignon Blanc is one of the most well-known grape varieties worldwide and is highly popular. This wine offers a variety of aromas and characteristics.
The Backsberg Family Wines Hillside Sauvignon Blanc is characterized by its light straw-yellow color in the glass. It possesses a fresh and fruity aroma with notes of citrus fruits such as grapefruit, lime, and green apple. Additionally, tropical fruit aromas like passion fruit and gooseberry are present. These flavors give the wine a pleasant freshness and liveliness.
On the palate, the Backsberg Family Wines Hillside Sauvignon Blanc is dry and light. The fruit flavors continue and are accompanied by pleasant acidity. The wine has a good structure and a refreshing finish.
The grape variety Sauvignon Blanc is a natural crossbreed between the Traminer and Chenin Blanc. Hence, its name is believed to originate from this. Linguists attribute Sauvignon to the French word "sauvage," meaning "wild" in English. The exact origin of the Sauvignon Blanc grape variety is not documented. It was first mentioned in the early 18th century in southwestern France.
The mineral acidity and its susceptibility to climate make Sauvignon Blanc perfect for cultivation in South Africa. There, Sauvignon Blanc is one of the most cultivated white grape varieties.
Depending on the ripeness of the grapes, different aroma profiles emerge. In its classic production, Sauvignon Blanc is known for citrus notes and gooseberries. Often, vegetative notes like freshly cut grass are also found in Sauvignon Blanc wines. In the case of early harvesting, Sauvignon Blanc grapes often exhibit aromas of tropical fruits and peaches.
Typically, Sauvignon Blanc is produced in a dry style and rarely undergoes oak aging. The main reason for this is its historical association. Sauvignon Blanc has always been known for its freshness and a relatively slim body.

Match with
This Sauvignon Blanc is excellent as an apéritif wine or paired with light dishes such as salads, fish, or seafood. It also pairs well with mild goat cheese or sushi.
Size Chart
customer reviews
Shipping & Returns
Country of Origin | South Africa |
Wine Type | White Wine |
Grape Variety | Sauvignon Blanc |
Region | Coastal Region |
Alcohol Content | 13.5% |
Year | 2022 |
Taste | Tropical, Dry & Light |
Sealing | Screw Cap |
Storage Potential Until | 2027 |
Acidity | 5.8 g/l |
Residual Sugar | 3 g/l |
pH Value | 3.4 |
Quantity | 0.75 Liters |
Manufacturer | Backsberg Family Wines, Main Road, R45, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa |
Importer | M&M Wine and Spirits Trade GmbH, Bad-Berneck-Str. 12, D-81549 Munich |
Allergens | Contains sulfites |
Custom Tab
Deutschland | DHL, UPS | 1-3 Werktag(e) | 6.90€ (Frei ab 120€) |
Luxemburg, Polen, Österreich | UPS | 2-5 Werktag(e) | 6.90€ (Frei ab 150€) |
Niederlande | UPS | 2-5 Werktag(e) | 9.50€ (Frei ab 150€) |
Frankreich, Schweden | UPS | 2-5 Werktag(e) | 9.90€ (Frei ab 150€) |
Belgien, Dänemark, Kroatien, Slowakei, Slowenien, Tschechien | UPS | 2-5 Werktag(e) | 10.90€ (Frei ab 150€) |
Bulgarien, Estland, Griechenland, Großbritannien, Irland, Italien, Lettland, Litauen, Portugal, Rumänien, Spanien, Ungarn | UPS | 2-5 Werktag(e) | 11.90€ (Frei ab 150€) |
Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Schweiz | UPS | 1-3 Werktag(e) |
18.90€ (Frei ab 200€) |
Anschrift für Retouren:
M&M Wein- und Spirituosenhandel GmbH
HRB 254579
Rohrauerstr. 70
81477 München
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