Kleine Zalze Cellar Selection Sauvignon Blanc 2023
  • Sustainable Wine

Sauvignon Blanc Cellar Selection 2023

Price €9,90 Offer

(11.87 €/l)
incl. VAT plus shipping costs

In stock: With you in 1-3 working days

  • Fruity & mineral
  • Lighter bottle
    Wine bottles are responsible for more than 30% of wine's environmental footprint. The lighter bottle saves CO2.
  • Wines will be not artificially irrigated
    The vines for this wine are not artificially irrigated. So they get by with the region's natural rainfall.
  • Aged in the steel tank
  • Shipping through DHL GoGreen or UPS Carbon Neutral





Icon <i data-tl='76D30252'>Winery</i> Kleine Zalze Winery

Winery Little Zalze

In the heart of the picturesque Stellenbosch region lies a centuries-old gem - the Winery Little Zalze. Adjacent to the provincial town of Stellenbosch, which lovingly "Little Europe" is called, Kleine Zalze offers a large selection of award-winning wines.

The vineyards of the Kleine Zalze winery are located on different slopes and have different soil conditions. A fresh sea breeze blows from the coast, which is only 15 kilometers away, which ensures a cool climate, optimal growth and ripening conditions and therefore pronounced fruit aromas in the wines. The property also offers a Variety of attractions, including the critically acclaimed gourmet restaurant, stunning hiking and cycling routes, the renowned De Zalze golf course and the luxurious four-star Cape Dutch-style lodge.

  • Founded:

  • Address:

    Strand Rd, De Zalze Golf Estate, Stellenbosch, 7600, South Africa
  • Area:

    100 Ha
  • Max & Moritz Favorite wine:

    Chenin Blanc Vineyard Selection
  • Tasting Room:

    daily from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m Clock

Winemaker: Alastair Rimmer, RJ Botha

Alastair's Wine journey began in Stellenbosch after he was inspired to switch his studies from horticulture to viticulture. His international experience in diverse regions of Spain, New Zealand, the USA and South Africa has helped to focus on the "important" elements of winemaking, emphasizing terroir and climatic conditions.

RJ has been with the company since 2012 Winery Little Zalze. Be special talent, as well as his meticulous attention to detail contribute to Kleine Zalze receiving numerous international awards every year such as Platter's Wine Guide, Michelangelo International Wine Awards and Mundus Vini.

Henning Retief After studying viticulture in Elsenberg, he gained valuable experience on some leading farms in the Stellenbosch and Robertson valleys. Henning Retief has been with Kleine Zalze since 2006. One of his highlights so far was the winery's award Winemaker's Choice Award 2009 as best producer of the year. Henning's continues to push the boundaries of quality at Kleine Zalze and is always looking for innovative techniques to improve Kleine Zalze's quality.

Looking to the future, the three would like to Winemaker Continuing the history and distinguishing ourselves from other wineries through new creations.

Product Details

Tasting Note Moritz Smelling Wine

Tasting notes

The Sauvignon Blanc Cellar Selection from the Winery Little Zalze knows on the nose aromas of passion fruit, Melon and asparagus on. On the palate one enjoys intense aromas of Feige and gooseberry, and a full and mineral structure.

Only the juice, which through the inherent pressure won goes into the tank for fermentation. The Sauvignon Blanc grapes were grown at low temperatures fermented to highlight the specific characteristics of each vineyard.

After fermentation rested Kleine Zalze Sauvignon Blanc Cellar Selection further four months on the yeastbefore the wine was bottled.


Rebsorte Sauvignon Blanc

The grape variety Sauvignon Blanc is a natural cross between the Traminer and Traminer grape varieties Chenin Blanc. This is probably where her name comes from. Linguists trace Sauvignon back to the French “sauvage”, meaning “wild”. The exact origin of the grape variety Sauvignon Blanc is not occupied. The first time it was mentioned in a document Sauvignon Blanc Early 18th century in southwest France.

The mineral acidity, as well as their weather-relatedness do Sauvignon Blanc perfect for growing in South Africa. There counts Sauvignon Blanc one of the most cultivated white wine grape varieties.

Depending on the degree of ripeness of the wine, different aromas arise. Classically produced Sauvignon Blanc for citrus notes and gooseberries. But vegetative notes such as freshly mown grass can also often be found Sauvignon Blanc cry again. In case of an early harvest, develop Sauvignon Blanc Grapes often have aromas of tropical fruits and peach.

Usually will Sauvignon Blanc Grown dry and the grape variety is only rarely used Aged into the wooden barrel. The main reason for this is history. Sauvignon Blanc has stood for freshness and a rather slim body since it was created.

Tasting Note Grape Variety
Tasting Note Wine and Food Pairing

Match with

The Sauvignon Blanc Cellar Selection from the Winery Little Zalze will best to crispy salads and fresh fish served.

In addition, this fits excellent White wine excellent to spicy hard cheese and fried vegetables.


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Shipping & Returns

AnbaulandSouth Africa
Type of winered wine
grape varietySauvignon Blanc
Alcohol content13,10%/Vol.
The tasteAromas of fig and gooseberry as well as a full and mineral structure
closurescrew cap
Storage potential up to 
acidity6,62 g/l
sugar content2,5 g/l
PH value 
Crowd0,75 Liter
ManufacturerLittle Zalze, Strand Rd, De Zalze Golf Estate, Stellenbosch, 7600, South Africa
distributorM&M Wein- und Spiritshandel GmbH, Bad-Berneck-Str. 12, D-81549 Munich
Allergenscontains sulphites

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Deutschland DHL, UPS 1-3 Werktag(e) 6.90€ (Frei ab 120€)
Luxemburg, Polen, Österreich UPS 2-5 Werktag(e) 6.90€ (Frei ab 150€)
Niederlande UPS 2-5 Werktag(e) 9.50€ (Frei ab 150€)
Frankreich, Schweden UPS 2-5 Werktag(e) 9.90€ (Frei ab 150€)
Belgien, Dänemark, Kroatien, Slowakei, Slowenien, Tschechien UPS 2-5 Werktag(e) 10.90€ (Frei ab 150€)
Bulgarien, Estland, Griechenland, Großbritannien, Irland, Italien, Lettland, Litauen, Portugal, Rumänien, Spanien, Ungarn UPS 2-5 Werktag(e) 11.90€ (Frei ab 150€)
Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Schweiz UPS 1-3 Werktag(e)

18.90€ (Frei ab 200€)
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Anschrift für Retouren:

M&M Wein- und Spirituosenhandel GmbH
HRB 254579
Rohrauerstr. 70
81477 München

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Folgende Länder erheben eine Verbrauchsteuer auf Wein (Stand: Mai 2021): Belgien, Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Irland, Lettland, Litauen, Niederlande und Polen. Aufgrund ihrer Beförderung im EU-Binnenmarkt werden Postsendungen aus Ländern der Europäischen Union regelmäßig nicht von der Zollverwaltung behandelt. Diese Sendungen werden Dir daher grundsätzlich ohne Erhebung von Einfuhrabgaben direkt zugestellt. Das bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass die Waren grundsätzlich abgabenfrei sind. Unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen dürfen auch innerhalb der EU beförderte Postsendungen kontrolliert werden. Dazu dürfen die Zollbehörden Postsendungen öffnen lassen und prüfen, ob sie Waren enthalten, die verbrauchsteuerpflichtig sind oder deren Einfuhr, Durchfuhr oder Ausfuhr gegen gesetzliche Verbote und Beschränkungen verstoßen. Das Brief- und Postgeheimnis ist in dieser Hinsicht eingeschränkt. Wenn sie verbrauchssteuerpflichtige Waren erhalten, bist Du grundsätzlich dazu verpflichtet, dies beim zuständigen Zollamt anzuzeigen und gegebenenfalls Abgaben zu entrichten.

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Customer Reviews

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Larissa T.
Toller Geschmack!

Ein erfrischender Wein mit lebhaften Zitrusnoten und einer knackigen Frische. Ein Genuss, der das Beste dieser Rebsorte einfängt!
