Online Tasting Holden Manz 25.11.2023 (English)

Price 419,00 zł Offer

(28,30 €/ l)
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

In stock: With you in 1-3 working days

  • Online Tasting with Gerard Holden from Holden Manz
  • Date: Saturday, 25th November 2023 at 19:00 CET
  • Zoom link will be sent via email after purchase

You'll get to know one of the most beautiful wineries in South Africa. But Holden Manz is not just a visual delight - their wines are a true dream.

Gerard acquired the estate with his partner Migo Manz in August 2010, when it was still known as "Klein Genoot," and changed the name to Holden Manz.
Today, the winery is much more than just a hidden gem, as Holden Manz's wines consistently win awards and enjoy international recognition.
So, what are you waiting for? Dive into a world of indulgence and beauty with us.

Tasting notes icon Description

Online Tasting with Holden Manz - Saturday, 25.11.2023 19:00 CET

🍷 4 Premium Holden Manz Wines
🔗 Video link for the tasting will be sent via email after purchase
🤓 "Learning by Drinking" - become a wine connoisseur 

One package is sufficient for up to 6 paricipants.

You'll get to know one of the most beautiful wineries in South Africa. But Holden Manz is not just a visual delight - their wines are a true dream.

Gerard acquired the estate with his partner Migo Manz in August 2010, when it was still known as "Klein Genoot," and changed the name to Holden Manz.

Today, the winery is much more than just a hidden gem, as Holden Manz's wines consistently win awards and enjoy international recognition.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into a world of indulgence and beauty with us.

Wine Package Contents:

1x Holden Manz Chenin Blanc
1x Holden Manz Opening
1x Holden Manz Visionary
1x Holden Manz Big G
1x Tasting sheet with information about the wines

How can I participate in the tasting?

  1. Purchase a package and have it delivered to your home.
  2. After purchase, you will receive the Zoom link for the tasting.
  3. Join our Zoom tasting on Saturday, November 25th at 19:00 CET
  4. Sit back and enjoy.

    Icon Weingut Holden Manz Weingut

    Weingut Holden Manz

    Das Weingut Holden Manz zeichnet sich durch ein hochmodernes Design gepaart mit modernster Technik im Weinkeller aus.
    Dies ermöglicht es dem Winzer Thierry Haberer Holden Manz' besonderes Terroir zum Ausdruck zu bringen.
    Das 22 Hektar große Weingut liegt in der hintersten Ecke des Franschhoek-Tals und ist nur circa eine Stunde mit dem Auto von Kapstadt entfernt.

    Die beiden Besitzer Gerard Holden und Migo Manz haben mit ihrem Weingut bereits zahlreiche nationale sowie internationale Preise erhalten.
    Nach dem Erwerb in 2010 (ehemalig "Klein Genoot") begannen die Beiden sowohl den Weinkeller als auch das restliche Weingut zu restaurieren. Gerard und Migo betreiben neben dem Weinkeller ein exklusives 5-Sterne Hotel mit internationaler Küche auf höchstem Niveau.
    Die auf dem Weingut ausgestellte südafrikanische Kunst rundet das "Erlebnis Holden Manz" bestens ab.

    Winemaker: Thierry Haberer

    Winzer Thierry Haberer beschäftigt sich seit über 15 Jahren mit Wein und seiner Herstellung.
    Eine leidenschaftliche und unkonventionelle Herangehensweise, kombiniert mit höchstem Respekt für die Bewahrung der Qualität der Trauben, zeigt sich in jeder Flasche die er produziert.

    Es besteht kein Zweifel, dass sein qualitätsorientierter Ansatz und sein Durst nach Innovation neue Standards in der Holden Manz-Reihe setzt. Etwas, auf das man sich auch in den nächsten Jahren freuen kann.

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    Basierend auf 1 Bewertung Schreibe eine Bewertung

    Info icon More Information

    Wein 1Holden Manz Chenin Blanc 2021
    Hersteller 1 
    Inhalt 10,75 Liter
    Alkoholgehalt 1 
    Wein 2Holden Manz Vernissage 2020
    Hersteller 2 
    Inhalt 20,75 Liter
    Alkoholgehalt 2 
    Wein 3Holden Manz Visionaire 2018
    Hersteller 3 
    Inhalt 30,75 Liter
    Alkoholgehalt 3 
    Wein 4Holden Manz Big G 2018
    Hersteller 4 
    Inhalt 40,75 Liter
    Alkoholgehalt 4 
    Inverkehrbringer aller ProdukteM&M Wein- und Spirituosenhandel GmbH, Bad-Berneck-Str. 12, D-81549 Munich
    HinweiseAlle Produkte im Paket enthalten Sulfite


    Germany DHL, UPS 1-3 workdays) 6.90€ (Free from 120€)
    Luxembourg, Poland, Austria UPS 2-5 business day(s) 6.90€ (Free from 150€)
    Netherlands UPS 2-5 business day(s) 9.50€ (Free from 150€)
    France, Sweden UPS 2-5 business day(s) 9.90€ (Free from 150€)
    Belgium, Denmark, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic UPS 2-5 business day(s) 10.90€ (Free from 150€)
    Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Hungary UPS 2-5 business day(s) 11.90€ (Free from 150€)
    Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Switzerland UPS 1-3 workdays)

    18.90€ (Free from 200€)
    Customs charges included

    The WineStore is not responsible for any delays caused by our shipping service providers.

    DHL Go Green LogoUPS Logo

    Address for returns:

    M&M Wein- und Spirituosenhandel GmbH
    HRB 254579
    Rohrauerstr. 70
    81477 Munich

    Switzerland - Shipping to the German border area

    A cheaper and not much more complex alternative is to have the wine delivered to the German border area and do the customs clearance yourself. You will then receive the German VAT back, have an allowance of 5 liters per person and pay 2 CHF duty for each additional liter.
    We also deliver free of charge within Germany for orders over €120. Furthermore, you don't have to coordinate with the courier and make sure someone is there once the delivery arrives.

    If you don't have the opportunity to have the goods delivered to friends in the border area, then we can have the wine delivered to a UPS access point near the border near your home. You don't need to register, there are no additional costs and you just have to pick up your wines there within a certain time frame.

    There are also various providers of parcel shops from which you can have your parcel picked up for a small fee, e.g. SWISS-PAKET - with branches in Waldshut-Tiengen, Laufenburg, Weil am Rhein, Jestetten & Rheinfelden or EURORETOUR - with branches in Waldshut- Tiengen, Laufenburg, Weil am Rhein & Konstanz.

    Upon request, we will send an export receipt, which you can have stamped at customs and sent back to us. We will then refund you the German VAT minus a processing fee of €12.00.

    Please note the opening hours of the customs offices! The customs offices usually close on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. and are closed on Sunday! For more information about opening times and customs clearance see
    To declare customs, you just drive to the right at the border. You can also easily skip the customs queue and pay with an EC card.
    The officials are friendly and you can also get competent information over the phone.

    Please note that this form of reimbursement involves costs and effort. Therefore, we generally deduct €12.00 from the VAT amount to be reimbursed for this expense.

    Taxes, duties and levies in the EU

    All taxes, customs duties and duties for Germany, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Luxembourg, Malta, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary, Cyprus (Greek part only) are included in our prices .

    The following countries levy an excise tax on wine (as of May 2021): Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Poland. Due to their transport within the EU internal market, postal items from European Union countries are regularly not processed by the customs administration. These shipments are therefore generally delivered directly to you without any import taxes being charged. However, this does not mean that the goods are generally duty-free. Under certain conditions, postal items transported within the EU may also be checked. To this end, the customs authorities are allowed to have postal items opened and check whether they contain goods that are subject to excise duty or whose import, transit or export violate legal prohibitions and restrictions. The secrecy of letters and mail is restricted in this respect. If you receive goods subject to excise duty, you are generally obliged to report this to the responsible customs office and pay duties if necessary.

    Due to legal regulations, we only deliver to people over 18 years of age. This can be checked by our shipping agent. Therefore, please make sure that an adult can accept the delivery.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Mako Steinmetz
    Super Tasting!

    Wir haben das Tasting mit Holden Manz sehr genossen.
