Collection White Blend 2020

Collection White Blend 2020

Price 123,00 zł Offer

(33,2€/ l) inkl. MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten

In stock: With you in 1-3 working days

  • lively & refreshing
  • 36% Sauvignon Blanc, 34% Chardonnay, 30% Semillon
  • 9 months in French oak
  • Shipping by DHL GoGreen or UPS Carbon Neutral





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Winery Glen Carlou

The Winery Glen Carlou is a renowned and respected one Winery, which is in the picturesque Paarl wine region is located in South Africa. Since his Founded in 1985 It has developed a reputation for high quality wines and is known for its variety of excellent grape varieties.

The location of the winery at the foot of the Simonsberg Mountains offers ideal climatic conditions and a varied soil diversity, which make it possible to grow a wide range of wines. Glen Carlou follows a sustainable and environmentally conscious winemaking philosophy, carefully tending the vines and respecting the natural resources of the terroir.

Glen Carlou produces a variety of wines including first-class red wines such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Pinot Noir as well outstanding white wines like Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc. Each wine reflects the characteristics of the terroir and displays impressive balance, depth and elegance.

  • Founded:

  • Address:

    Klapmuts - Simondium Rd, Simondium, Klapmuts, 7625, South Africa
  • Area:

    145 Ha
  • Max & Moritz Favorite wine:

    Glen Carlou Merlot
  • Tasting Room:

    daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m Clock

Winemaker: Johnnie Calitz

After studying viticulture at the University of Stellenbosch, which he completed with a Bachelor of Science in 2004, he worked as a winemaker in the Glen Carlou neighboring Winery Anura and received several awards for his wines. Johnny Calitz prefers to work with the grape varieties Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Sauvignon Blanc, but regardless of the grape variety, he follows the approach to intervene in the process as little as possible.

Product Details

Tasting Note Moritz Smelling Wine

Tasting notes

Glen Carlou The Collection White Blend is a fascinating white wine produced by the renowned Glen Carlou Winery in South Africa. This wine is a skillful blend of various grape varieties, carefully selected to create a harmonious taste experience.

The The Collection White Blend is made from a combination of selected grape varieties such as Chardonnay, Semillon, and Sauvignon Blanc. Each grape variety brings its own unique characteristics and aromas to the wine to create a complex and balanced profile.

On the nose, the Glen Carlou The Collection White Blend presents a tempting variety of aromas. Fresh citrus fruits like lemon and grapefruit mix with tropical notes of pineapple and passion fruit. Floral nuances like jasmine and white flowers round off the aroma profile. On the palate, the wine unfolds with a refreshing acidity and a pleasant texture. The citrus and tropical fruit aromas continue and are accompanied by a subtle minerality. The finish is lively and refreshing.


36% Sauvignon Blanc, 34% Chardonnay, 30% Semillon


Cuvée wine

Cuvées are among the most expensive wines in the world. Bordeaux wines from France or premium wines from the Rioja region in Spain are also considered Cuvées. Additionally, the best champagnes in the world are usually Cuvée champagnes, consisting of the grape varieties Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, and Pinot Meunier.

Also in South Africa, excellent cuvées are produced, mainly due to the historical connection to the French wine world.

But what is a cuvée anyway?

Fundamentally, Cuvée means the blending of a wine from different grape varieties in a fermentation vessel. Also, the blending of grapes that come from different vineyards results in a wine being called a Cuvée. There are basically two different points in time when different vineyards and grape varieties can be blended.

Some Winemaker mix the grapes already during pressing. This results in the mixed grapes fermenting together in the fermentation tank. However, post-fermentation blending is more commonly used. Here, already fermented wines are blended together to mature jointly during storage.

Tasting Note Grape Variety
Tasting Note Wine and Food Pairing


The Glen Carlou The Collection White Blend is an extremely versatile white wine that is excellent as an aperitif and also makes a great accompaniment to a variety of dishes. It pairs well with seafood, salads, light poultry dishes, or simply as a refreshment on a warm day.

Size Chart

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Shipping & Returns

AnbaulandSouth Africa
Type of wineWhite wine
grape variety36% Sauvignon Blanc, 34% Chardonnay, 30% Semillon
Alcohol content13,5%/Vol.
The tastelively & refreshing
closureCork closure
Storage potential up to2028
acidity6,2 g/l
sugar content2,6 g/l
PH value3,35
Crowd0,75 Liter
ManufacturerGlen Carlou, Klapmuts - Simondium Rd, Simondium, Klapmuts, 7625, South Africa
distributorM&M Wein- und Spiritshandel GmbH, Bad-Berneck-Str. 12, D-81549 Munich
Allergenscontains sulphites

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Luxemburg, Polen, Österreich UPS 2-5 Werktag(e) 6.90€ (Frei ab 150€)
Niederlande UPS 2-5 Werktag(e) 9.50€ (Frei ab 150€)
Frankreich, Schweden UPS 2-5 Werktag(e) 9.90€ (Frei ab 150€)
Belgien, Dänemark, Kroatien, Slowakei, Slowenien, Tschechien UPS 2-5 Werktag(e) 10.90€ (Frei ab 150€)
Bulgarien, Estland, Griechenland, Großbritannien, Irland, Italien, Lettland, Litauen, Portugal, Rumänien, Spanien, Ungarn UPS 2-5 Werktag(e) 11.90€ (Frei ab 150€)
Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Schweiz UPS 1-3 Werktag(e)

18.90€ (Frei ab 200€)
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M&M Wein- und Spirituosenhandel GmbH
HRB 254579
Rohrauerstr. 70
81477 München

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Leo A.
Zart und doch kräftig im Geschmack

Ein Weißwein mit Charakter – ich liebe ihn! Fruchtig und voller floralen Noten!

leonie maier
Guter Geschmack

Der Glen Carlou Collection White Blend 2020 ist ein Geschmackserlebnis! Frisch, fruchtig und voller Aromen. Ein erhebender Wein, der jeden Moment bereichert.

Guter Geschmack

Der Glen Carlou Collection White Blend 2020 ist ein echtes Geschmackserlebnis! Frisch, fruchtig und perfekt ausbalanciert. Ein Genuss für den Gaumen!

Francesco Owuwue Osas
Toller Geschmack!

Die Collection White Blend 2020 von Glen Carlou ist ein erfrischender Genuss. Mit fruchtiger Fülle und feiner Balance begeistert er jeden Gaumen. Perfekt für gesellige Momente und ein echtes Highlight!
