Tokara, Chardonnay

Chardonnay 2019

Price €17,00 Offer

(19,87 €/ l) inkl. MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten

In stock: With you in 1-3 working days

  • Dry & fruity
  • 100% Chardonnay
  • 9 months in French barriques
  • Shipping by DHL GoGreen or UPS Carbon Neutral





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Winery Tokara

Winery Tokara embodies the philosophy of GT Ferreira that good wine, good food and good art combine to create a good lifestyle form. In the center of the Cape Winelands lies the Simonsberg, a fynbos-rich massif that has been home to exceptional vineyards since the 17th century. On the southern slopes with unrivaled views over False Bay to Table Mountain you will find TOKARA's native vineyards and olive groves. The Winery Tokara It only came into being in 1994 when GT Ferreira acquired the farm initially as a residential building to use. However, it was quickly realized that the location excellent for growing fine vines suitable. The vineyards now extend winery Tokara across three different regions. The Wine Estate impresses wine lovers with its three different selections. All of which are distinguished by their particularly fresh notes and full body. The wines of the other selections also offer a special taste experience.

  • Founded:

  • Address:

    Helshoogte Rd, Stellenbosch, Cape Town, 7600, South Africa
  • Area:

    60 Ha
  • Max & Moritz Favorite wine:

    Tokara Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Tasting Room:

    daily from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m Clock

Winemaker: Stuart Botha

Winemaker Stuart Botha took over the post from Miles Mossop in 2017. This has been there since 2000 Tokara. Stuart Botha learned his trade at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. After his studies he collected valuable experience in Australia, France, Italy and California. Before he started working as a winemaker Tokara he was for the wines from Winery Eagles Nest in South Africa.

Product Details

Tasting Note Moritz Smelling Wine

Tasting notes

The Chardonnay from the Winery Tokara flows with a brilliant, straw yellow color into the glass. In the Nose aromas of yellow lemon zest and Linden Blossoms in combination with subtle notes of Cinammon and Vanilla.

The palate is lively with fresh lime and a slight touch of Ginger and Caramel. In addition, the wine shows a beautiful, silky texture and a refreshing one dry finish. This is achieved by aging on the yeast in the French barrique embossed.



The grape variety Chardonnay is now considered one of the best-known white wine grape varieties and is in demand all over the world. Chardonnay originally comes from French Burgundy. Here is a small one Municipality called Chardonnay in the Winemaker the grape variety since many hundreds of years grow successfully.

Chardonnay white wines but also enjoy outside of France great popularity. Worldwide is one strong increase the acreage to record. Cover meanwhile Chardonnay Vines cover an area of approx 175,000 Hectares.

Just like many white wines South Africa has Chardonnay very fruity flavorswhat the many sunshine hours and the maritime climate is to be attributed.

And Chardonnay best ripens on calcareous, warm soil, the wines taste good South Africa excellent. The country also offers the grape variety with its Climate and his Terroir optimal conditions.

The grape variety Chardonnay points frequently fresh flavors of citrus, Apple and Melon on. With maturation in oak barrel this white wine can also contain notes of Caramel, hazelnut and Vanilla have, which are appreciated by connoisseurs. After the grape variety Chardonnay often in recent decades heavy use of wood was processed, the Trend increasingly to milder styles.

Tasting Note Grape Variety
Tasting Note Wine and Food Pairing

Match with

The Chardonnay from the Winery Tokara fits perfectly Fish- and poultry dishes, with lemon prepared became.

In addition, this Chardonnay allows itself perfectly fresh spinach leaves with in honey fried goat cheese combine.

Size Chart

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Shipping & Returns

AnbaulandSouth Africa
Type of wineWhite wine
grape variety100% Chardonnay
Alcohol content13,29%/Vol.
The tasteDry & fruity, pear, fig, melon
closurescrew cap
Storage potential up to 
acidity6,3 g/l
sugar content2,4 g/l
PH value3,4
Crowd0,75 Liter
ManufacturerTokara Wine Estate, R45, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
distributorM&M Wein- und Spiritshandel GmbH, Bad-Berneck-Str. 12, D-81549 Munich
Allergenscontains sulphites

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18.90€ (Frei ab 200€)
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M&M Wein- und Spirituosenhandel GmbH
HRB 254579
Rohrauerstr. 70
81477 München

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Jonas L.
Harmonie im Glas: Ein Hochgenuss

Ein Weißwein, der mich mit seiner Vielfalt und Komplexität beeindruckt hat.

Godwin Gonzales
Leckerer Wein!

Fruchtig und sehr lecker.

Stephan Kuber

Schöne Grapefruit, Birne und gelber Pfirsich im Geruch. Schön getrocknet, butterweich, sekundär mit reifer Melone am Gaumen. Ein weiterer großartiger Tokara Wein!

Jonas Schmidt
Erstklassiger Wein!

Der Tokara Chardonnay ist einer meiner Lieblingsweine aus Südafrika. Schöne Frische mit viel Körper.
Ein erstklassiger Wein zum Essen und als Aperitif.
